About Us

Thank you for choosing Quiet Souls! So we are feeling like mutual family, here’s some stuff about our company, our founder and our mission.

Quiet Souls was founded by Trevor Fry in the beginning of 2023 with the simple goal of providing CBD/Cannabis users with support and quality products to fulfill their needs. Trevor started his business with his first client being his cousin-in-law, a veteran suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. With this problem affecting everyday life and other measures not working out, to assess the issue, he gave Delta 8 a try with low hopes of any turn around. In about a month’s time, he was feeling more normal than he ever has! Effects vary person to person, some people may experience results instantaneously while others may take 2 weeks to a month to feel results. You have to be patient, and sometimes get into a routine taking CBD/Delta daily to eventually feel constant daily relief. Since then he shifted his focus on what he loves... smoking... Bringing in products such as water pipes,  vaporizers, etc.

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